SBTCN ChampionshipShow, Niderlands 05.10.2019
Judge: Tina Toft Bergstrom (DK)
Class: Breeder
Place: 4/9
Rating: excellent
Bulliada, Piaski Królewskie (PL) 14.09.2019
Judge: Paul Stanway (Waystaff kennel, UK)
Class: Champion
Place: 3/10
Rating: excellent
Bulliada, Zakroczym (PL) 01.09.2018
Judge: John Scanlan (Pantycelyn kennel, UK)
Class: Champion
Place: 1/8, CWC, Best Dog, BOB, BIS IV
Rating: excellent
SBTCS Namest na Hane (CZ) 16.06.2018
Judge: Maureen Ward (UK)
Class: Champion
Place: 4/10
Rating: excellent
IDS Leszno (PL) 02.06.2018
Judge: Nemanja Jovanović (RS)
Class: Champion
Place: I, CWC, res.CACIB
Rating: excellent
IDS, Łódź (PL) 12.05.2018
Judge: Robert Kubes (CZ)
Class: Champion
Place: I, CWC, CACIB, Best Dog, BOB
Rating: excellent
Champion of Champions, Leszno (PL) 25.02.2018
Judge: Krystyna Opara (PL)
Class: Champion
Place: I, CWC, BOB
Rating: excellent
Club Show, Podebrady (CZ) 17.02.2018
Judge: Jamie Mace (Janastaff UK)
Class: open
Place: 3/31
Rating: excellent
IDS, Lubin (PL) 20.01.2018
Judge: Dorota Witkowska (PL)
Class: champion
Place: 1/2, CWC
Rating: excellent
IDS, Kielce (PL) 26.11.2017
Judge: Laura Cox (IRL)
Class: open
Place: 3/11, CWC
Rating: excellent
IDS, Wrocław (PL) 23.09.2017
Judge: Magdalena Kozłowska (PL)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I/7, CWC
Rating: excellent
NDS, Chojnice (PL) 30.07.2017
Judge: Jarosław Grunt
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, Best Dog, BOB, BOG I
Rating: excellent
IDS, Częstochowa (PL) 22.07.2017
Judge: Jarosław Grunt
Class: Open
Place: II, res.CACIB
Rating: excellent
Alec Water's Memorial, Czosnów (PL) 09.07.2017
Judge: Mark Davies (Sebsonic kennel, UK)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, nominated for Best Head, Best Movement
Rating: excellent
CLUBSCHAU, Meisdorf (DE) 02.07.2017
Judge: Mary Coble (UK)
Class: Intermediate
Place: II, CAC VDH
Rating: excellent
NDS, Jelenia Góra (PL) 25.06.2017
Judge: Barbel von Kralik (DE)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, Best Dog, BOS
Rating: excellent
SBT Club Show, Namest na Hane (CZ) 17.06.2017
Judge: Paul Martin (IRL)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CAC, BOS, (nominated Best Head, Best Handling)
Rating: excellent
NDS, Jelenia Góra (PL) 30.04.2017
Judge: Jarosław Grunt (PL)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC
Rating: excellent
IDS, Opole (PL) 22.04.2017
Judge: Kateryna Pereguda (UA)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, res.CACIB Rating: excellent
SBT Club Show, Vinicne (SK) 25.03.2017
Judge: Frank Reader (UK)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I
Rating: very good
NDS, Choceń (PL) 19.03.2017
Judge: Magdalena Kozłowska(PL)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, Best Dog, Best Of Breed Rating: excellent
SBT Club Show, Podebrady (CZ) 18.02.2017
Judge: Harry A Coble (Surestaff Kennel, UK)
Class: Intermediate
Place: II, r.CAC
Rating: excellent
NDS, Lubin (PL) 22.01.2017
Judge: Ina Małecka (PL)
Class: Intermediate
Place: I, CWC, Best Dog, Best of Breed, start Ch.Pl
Rating: excellent
NDS, Gorzów Wlkp (PL) 14.08.2016
Judge: Lucyna Juzwa
Class: Junior
Place: I, Junior Winner, Best Junior, Best of Breed, finish J.Ch.Pl
Rating: excellent
Special Show Kolesa (CZ) 17.09.2016
Judge: Brett Lay (Gamepit UK)
Class: Junior
Place: nominated for Best Handler
Rating: excellent
NDS, Golub Dobrzyń (PL) 14.08.2016
Judge: Magdalena Kozłowska
Class: Junior
Place: I, Junior Winner, Best Junior, Best of Breed, BIS Junior II
Rating: excellent
Alec Waters Memorial, Czosnów (PL) 10.072016
Judge: Audrey Huber (Nozac Kennel, GB)
Class: Junior
Place: I, Junior Winner, nomination Best Head and Best Movement
Rating: excellent
IDS, Drzonków (PL) 05.03.2015
Judge: Denis Kuzelj
Class: Puppy
Place: I
Rating: Very Promising