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Gr.Ch., Ch., J.Ch.
GREAT GATSBY Bullparraben

Health results:
DNA Profile
L2-HGA - clear
HC - clear
HD: A/A ; ED: 0/0
PHPV/PHTVL/PPM/RD/PRA - unaffected
Heart ECG- clear
Echocardiographic - clear
TSH - normal
Locus A, B, C, D, E, K, S

I AM THE FUTURE Bullparraben

Health results:
L2-HGA - clear
HC - clear

Puppies born 14.08.2021.

LOVE ME IF YOU DARE Bullparraben (DK)





Gr.Ch., Ch., J.Ch.

Great Gatsby Bullparraben
Int.Ch. Sikaistaff Dark Lord Ashbull O' Dare Cragails Dancing Brave
Uk.Ch. Knockon Yes You At Ashbull
Zakstaff Velvet Rose VWW, Stud Ch.It Ashbull O' Shea
Uk.Ch. Farriers Velvet Maiden
Ch.,Vet.Ch. Dirty Girl Bullparraben C.I.B. Foxstaff Off The Richter With Ramblestaff Uk.Ch.Tornadostorm The Legacy
Ramblestaff Jackpot Via Foxstaff
Vet.Ch.Human Dogs Julia Roberts at Bullparraben VWW, Stud Ch.It Ashbull O'Shea
Int.Ch. Human Dogs Lucrecia Borgia

I AM THE FUTURE Bullparraben
Int.Ch. Lord Of The Limelight Berserker Int.Ch. Sikaistaff Dark Lord Ashbull O' Dare
Zakstaff Velvet Rose
Jolie Kafrine Berserker Du Domaine d' Ishtar Ch.UK. Eclypstaff Cuz I Can
Int.Ch. Heart Full Of Soul Berserker
Ch.,Vet.Ch. Dirty Girl Bullparraben C.I.B Foxstaff Off The Richter With Ramblestaff Ch.UK. JW Tornadostorm The Legacy
JW Ramblestaff Jackpot Via Foxstaff
Vet.Ch. Human Dogs Julia Roberts At Bullparraben VWW, Stud IT Ch Ashbull O' Shea
C.I.B.Human Dogs Lucrecja Borgia